Sunday, June 5, 2016


We must remove the evil from the Torah that we have, in order to arrive at the Torah of Atzilut. It amounts to peeling off the layers of evil, which served to protect that what is within. This is not a simple matter, as the foregoing has shown.

Why must we peel off this protection, why not leave it in place? Because we recognize its evil. We want to uproot evil at the source. As a consequence, we show that the evil that descends from it, which threatens our existence, has no roots in the Torah of Atzilut.

For your study towards Chag Shavuot, I recommend my documents נ"ר תמי"ד: זַיִ"ת זָ"ךְ כָּ"תִ י"ת and אֲנִי, יְהוָה, which, respectively, could be named The Prophecy of Prophecies and HaShem's Sh'moneh Esreh. I propose that these are chapters of the never-ending Torah of Atzilut. May they and their backgrounds, enlighten you.

Chag Shavuot Sameach.