Monday, May 2, 2016

Like Arizal, Like Rashbi

Like Arizal, like Rashbi. The light of Moshe Rabbeinu started also with Rashbi, as it says about him:

ואז נעשה מדרשו בסוד ויאמר אלהים יהי אור (רמח"ל, אדיר במרום, ז"א)

However, the enlightenment of Rashbi was for its time only. There was a need for the Arizal to renew the light. Moreover, the enlightenment of Rashbi is "represented" as the last equation,

16! + (64*29)2 = (64*71471)2,

which points to 64 times 29 years, which is 8 times 232, יהי אור, years, until 5796. The count of 8 times 232 years, is reminiscent of the count of 8 times 35.750 years, instituted by the GR"A, from 5500 until the "end" of Moshiach ben Yosef.

It is therefore noteworthy that the GR"A, the light of Moshiach ben Yosef, posessed, it seems, a copy of what we know as אדיר במרום, and thus knew the light of Moshe Rabbeinu well.