Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lag B'Omer

Lag B'Omer is about Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Rashbi. Here is the secret background of what Rashbi did. Lag B'Omer is about light, the light of Rashbi, the light of Moshe Rabbeinu. Lag B'Omer is about Torat HaNistar, which was hidden until the days of Arizal, and Ramchal, who taught it to those who merited, to Chaim Vital and to the GR"A.

All of this started with the light that Rashbi drew from Keter, the light of Moshe Rabbeinu, with two aspects of him, unity between left and right and true knowledge, at Da'at and Tiferet, within the Torah. The light follows a thin line, at the center, as Mal'achim: RJE, PE, Rashbi, Arizal, Ramchal.

Here, RJE and PE are from "the era of Torah," while Rashbi, Arizal and Ramchal are from "the era of Moshiach." With the coming of Moshiach, there will be a final instance of the light of Moshe Rabbeinu. One of the Shiurim we will learn then, will be about "the era of Tohu VaVohu." Why is ancient history so long, 262*29*704K years, and why did we not learn this from Rashbi, Arizal and Ramchal?