Sunday, June 7, 2015


RJE made a historic document, a divinely inspired document, that is superior to its sources, in particular to J and E, and their sources. A document that is superior to what came after it, to D and P, and anything based on D and P.

Superior, just as Moshe's level of Nevuah in incomparable to the level of Miriam, or of Aharon. This is not a simple matter. If Miriam and Aharon had only appreciated the true greatness of Moshe. But they did not understand. This is not a simple matter at all. Despite the existence of the story of Miriam and Aharon, the story of D and P occurred, later, because D and P did not understand.

And because D and P did not understand what they could not understand, we were exiled from the Land. First, D caused Galut Bavel, like Miriam was exiled for limited time, and then P caused our current exile, Galut Aharon.

At the end of this exile, we need to understand what is the reason for it. Suddenly, it will be clear why it is called Galut Aharon, when Hashem will tell us, and we will be ashamed, so terribly ashamed. And we will do Teshuva, like Miriam, like Aharon.

Not so is my servant Moshe
in all my house he is faithful
Mouth to mouth I shall speak through him
with vision and not in riddles

You can read my version of the document of Moshe, with a translation, once a week, 160 times 160 words, for three years.

משה אמת ותורתו אמת