Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Story Without End

This is what the sons of Aharon, P, did. They spoke out against the Midianite background of Zipporah, the wife of Moshe. I refer to Bamidbar 25 and Bamidbar 31, where, in the name of Hashem, the Midianites are blamed, rather than Moabites, and destroyed. Further, they demoted Zipporah by splitting up the account of the Brit Milah, effectively replacing it by Bereshit 17. They did all of this to Zipporah, in order to denigrate Moshe, and to elevate themselves. And Moshe, extremely humble, did not utter a word in protest.

And they, "the priests," convinced a great percentage of Jews, that their contributions to "Torah" are Torah. But, yet, the story does not end here. The story did not end just yet. I am not going to say how it will end. If you want to know, E gives an excellent impression, in Bamidbar 12.

Not so is my servant Moshe
in all my house he is faithful