Monday, January 26, 2015

Nissan 22

As it happens, this year we celebrate Chag HaMatzot exactly according to the Torah Kedumah. We eat Matzot from Nissan 16 until Nissan 22, which is a Shabbat, and therefore we cannot yet make, or buy, Chametz on that day.

We should think what would be the appropriate way to show our disgust for today's form of Avodah Zarah, that is being pushed down our throats so much that it makes us sick, by the UN, by the ICC in The Hague, by "Oslo," by the international press, by so many politicians the world over: the Avodah Zarah of creating two states for two peoples in the land of Israel. What I am looking for is an alternative to the blood of sheep/goats on our lintels. Ideas are welcome.