Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Sod יו"ה

Regarding the ages

35750*29*2^14 years
29^2*2^14 kiloyears
71471^2*2^14 kiloyears

a rumination.

A Universe with 320 sparks of holiness, and 35750*29*2^14 = 16.986 billion years of age gave way to our Universe with 288 sparks of holiness, and 29^2*2^14 kiloyears = 13.779 billion years of age. These 29^2*2^14 kiloyears are 71741^2*2^14 minus 16! times four. The 71741^2*2^14 kiloyears are 83.7 trillion kiloyears.

The Universe of 13.779 billion years is the world of Malchut. The Universe of 16.986 billion years is the world of Zeir Anpin. The Universe of 83.7 trillion kiloyears is the world of Atika Kedisha, the world of Keter. The Sod is יו"ה.