Monday, December 16, 2013

Corner Stone

I saw a list of scientific breakthroughs since the year 5600. This list, made to show how the prediction of the Zohar has come true, did not start with the preeminent breakthrough of Darwin. Darwin published his On the Origin of Species in 5620. The ideas of evolution formed in his mind around the year 5600.

Not only is Darwin the first, he is also very foremost. The anciency of the Universe, the anciency of life, and the evolution of life are corner stones of science. It is inconceivable that a list of scientific breakthroughs does not have evolution, Rachmana Litzlan. If one has a problem with Darwin, with the evolution of life, it must be feared that one has a problem with the Creator of the Universe. For completeness, here is the list that I saw:

1805 - The discovery of the atom
1823 - Electricity
1832 - The telegraph
1833 - The electromagnet
1834 - Electrochemistry
1842 - The laws of conservation of energy
1842 - The Radio
1845 - Boolean mathematics
1850 - Thermodynamics
1857 - Germs and immunizations
1859 - Spectroscopy
1864 - Dynamite
1865 - Mendel’s laws of genetics
1869 - The periodic tabe of elements
1873 - Maxwell’s equations