Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Men of Truth

Chiddush follows Chiddush. Perhaps it is now possible to say the following.

In the beginning, G-d created, using the Midah of Din. He created the monkeys, the old-world monkeys and the new-world monkeys. He created them in 92*10*11*13*29*212 years. Then created HaShem the apes, using the Midah of Chesed, all kinds of apes. He created them in 292*214 kiloyears. Finally, HaShem G-d finished creation, in Truth, with Rachamim. He created man, man and woman, all kinds of man. He created them in 132*162*29*11K years.

The monkeys among man, Yishmael, the wild asses of men, uncivilised men, are making war with the apes among man, with Esav, with the blood-ruddy, the hairy ones. The men of Din against the men of Chesed, as it were. It has to be. Out of this will come the men of Truth, the giants, who will take the place of the apes and monkeys among man.