Sunday, October 11, 2015

Rightly So

We edited the Torah. It is obvious. Christianity, with its belief in G-d the Father, does not believe that we edited the Torah, as some Jews do not believe that we edited the Torah. But we edited the Torah. The Quran is right. We changed the story of the Akeidah, but we did not substitute Yishmael for Yitzchak, as the Quran has it. We changed the story of the sacrificing, to G-d, of Yitzchak, into the story of his survival, by the grace of Hashem. And by the grace of Hashem, we will survive the onslaught in the name of God.

It is about morality. The western world, and Christianity, has a lesson to learn. The Islam comes to teach that lesson. But we will withstand the onslaught. Because the issue is moral. Yes, the Torah is edited. Rightly so.

(This started as a comment here. As usual, the comment was deemed unacceptable.)