Monday, December 29, 2014

Stop Being Jealous

The problem is jealousy. It is the problem of Israel, it is the problem of mankind. Israel is on its way to repair the problem for all to see, they will come to love the "settlers", and will then become a very prosperous country. How will the world react? How will the Muslim world react? How will Europe react? How will China react? How will Russia react? How will Africa react? How will the US react? How will the UN react? Learn from the brothers of Yoseph. They got rid of him, they thought. But in fact through their very deed, Yoseph became the ruler of Egypt, and saved his brothers from death. A death they would have deserved if they had not repented. Think! Stop being angry at Israel, stop being jealous! The UN is a lost cause, but you, citizens of the nations that make up the United Nations, are not. Repent. Do as the brothers of Yoseph!