Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hesech Hada'at

Today is the fourth of Nissan. Israel's government was in the middle of negotating with the US about the release of Jonathan Pollard, for the price of 426 terrorists. Suddenly, they were interrupted. The fourth of Nissan is an especially good day. Let me celebrate it by reposting this.

The first Zivug comes B'Hesech Hada'at, in confusion, almost illegally, in public, but in secrecy, with a level of Mirmah, and yet completely honest. Israel will grab the Land. Oy, to the nation that stands in the way.

ויוסף הוא השליט על הארץ הוא המשביר לכל עם הארץ

And Yosef was ruler over the land, he was the provider to all people in the land. (Genesis 42:6)

Shanah Tovah, Shanah Tovah!