Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ruach Elokim

In the Perush of the beginning of the Torah one part of a Pasuk is notably absent: V'Ruach Elokim Merachefet Al Pnei HaMayim. Why is this?

The Perush explains the beginning of the Torah in terms of the Galut. What is Ruach Elokim doing during the Galut? Ruach Elokim is busy, as it were, ruminating about

13! + 288^2 = (288*274)^2

and its sister equations. What is the background of the rumination? Sof Ma'aseh b'Machashava Techila. Ruach Elokim is constantly thinking, as it were, about the Sof. The Sof is in a sense the beginning. This answer gives a hint about the nature of evolution, about Ohr HaGanuz.