Monday, July 7, 2014

Torah Kedumah Starts With Aleph

There is a famous question: Why does the Torah start with the letter Beth, and not with an Aleph? And our answer is that the Torah Kedumah starts with an Aleph. The seventh chapter ends with עֲשֶׂרֶת הַדְּבָרִים, Sofei Tevot ת"ם, meaning "over". This is the end of the book of Moshe, which he wrote on Har Sinai, during forty days and forty nights.

The remainder is a new book, also by Moshe Rabbeinu, a second book announced by the first. With the Parasha of Bileam, with Parashat Zachor, and with the unique Mitzva of the Menorah, resembling Moshe, during the war against Amalek.